1. Introduction
Companies have a growing need to calculate and report logistics emissions with greater accuracy and transparency. They want to move from default and modeled data to primary data that accurately reflects their supply chain emissions.
This document specifies a § 6 Data Model and the data transactions necessary for the interoperable exchange of primary logistics emissions data, ensuring that they are structured to facilitate the calculation of Product Carbon Footprints (PCFs).
Based on the [GLEC] Framework and [ISO14083], this technical specification is built on top of the PACT Technical Specifications. In addition, it is based on the basic semantics and framework developed by the SFC Data Exchange Network project and advances them further.
Adopting this specification will enable the exchange of data between all actors in the logistics value chain, facilitating the calculation of emissions at the shipment, TCE and TOC levels, and the integration of these calculations at the PCF level.
The iLEAP Technical Specifications will be continuously refined as part of the ongoing iLEAP project. Significant changes may be introduced as the project progresses.
1.1. Out of Scope
This specifcation does not cover the following topics or aspects as they are covered elsewhere or declared as out of scope of this specification:
Methodology for the calculation of logistics-related emissions, specified in the [GLEC] Framework and [ISO14083].
Black Carbon (Accounting).
How to exactly capture necessary primary activity data for the calculation of HOCs or TOCs (i.e. through telematics systems, TMS, or others).
Pilot decentralized data exchange following data space governance principles, as covered in the SFC Data Exchange Network project.
How to establish contractual obligations between parties for the provision of data.
How to perform data audits and verification.
Market based approach for electricity emissions accounting.
Book and claim methods for environmental attribute tracking separate from physical delivery. These will be incorporated in future versions of these technical specifications.
Variables for detailed GHG emissions modelling, as described in [ISO14083], Section 13.4.3 and Annex M. The current data model focuses on enabling primary data collection. Basic use of modeled and default data is supported, but detailed parameters remain excluded.
Modes of transport cable car and pipelines. These may be incorporated in future versions of these technical specifications.
Refrigerant emissions, as described in [ISO14083], Annex I. These will be incorporated in future versions of these technical specifications.
1.2. Document Statuses
The iLEAP Technical Specifications adhere to the SemVer standard and are published according to a flow that clearly distinguishes work-in-progress from pre-releases and stable releases. These are indicated by the status tag below at the top of the document. Possible status tags are:
- Living Document
Work-in-progress. The version number is typically extended with the date on which the most recent changes were made (e.g., 0.2.1-20240523). Accessible at https://sine-fdn.github.io/ileap-extension/.
- Consultation Draft
Pre-release. Distributed for the purpose of obtaining community feedback. No further significant changes will be made until the release. Minor corrections may still be possible. Every Consultation Draft is assigned a stable, permanent, URL, e.g., https://sine-fdn.github.io/ileap-extension/TR/2024/ileap-extension-20240521/.
- Release
Stable release. No further changes will be made to this version. Any additional changes will be included in subsequent versions. Every Release is assigned a stable, permanent, URL, e.g., https://sine-fdn.github.io/ileap-extension/TR/2024/ileap-extension-20240605/.
2. Definitions
2.1. ISO14083- and GLEC-Framework-related Definitions
- Actual Distance
The actual route (with unit
) taken for a consignment. [GLEC] Framework. See also [ISO14083] Section - Consignment
Refers to a quantifiable quantity of cargo that can be distinctly identified as a single unit. It is transported from a sender or consignor to a receiver or consignee, irrespective of the mode of transportation employed. See [ISO14083], Section 3.1.4.
- Distance
See Transport Distance and Actual Distance
- Great Circle Distance (GCD)
The shortest distance between two points by crow-line, including the curving of the earth. It is an approach used in air transport. [GLEC] Framework.
- Hub Activity
The operations carried out at a hub, measured in the hub’s throughput. [GLEC] Framework.
- Hub Operation Category (HOC)
Represents a grouping of hub operations sharing similar characteristics. [GLEC] Framework.
- Primary Data
Data based on direct measurements of energy consumption. Also see [GLEC] Framework.
- Secondary Data
Any data that is not primary data. It applies to modelled and default data. [GLEC] Framework.
- Shipment
A shipment refers to the goods in a commercial transaction between a seller and a buyer. Refers to the consignments transported as part of this transaction via a transport chain from the consignor to the consignee. See [ISO14083], Section 3.1.20.
- Shortest Feasible Distance (SFD)
Represents the shortest practical route between two places taking into account the real operating conditions. [GLEC] Framework.
- Transport Activity
Transport activity for each consignment is calculated by multiplying the consignment’s mass by the TCE distance. It is measured with unit
ton kilometer
. See [ISO14083] Section 3.1.24 and the [GLEC] Framework. - Transport Chain (TC )
A Transport Chain as defined in the [GLEC] Framework. A TC consists of 1 or more Transport Chain Elements. A TC corresponds to a shipment.
- Transport Chain Element (TCE)
Represents one element of the transport chain. It can consist of a transport activity or a hub activity. [GLEC] Framework.
- Transport Distance
Refers to the distance covered from the consignor to the consignee during the transportation of the freight. [GLEC] Framework. See also [ISO14083] 3.1.27.
- Transport Operation Category (TOC)
Represents a grouping of transport services sharing similar characteristics. [GLEC] Framework.
- Transport Operator
Refers to the party that carries out the transport service. See [ISO14083], Section 3.1.30.
- Transport Service Organizer
Refers to the party providing transport services, where some of the operations are subcontrated to a third party, usually a Transport Operator. See [ISO14083], Section 3.1.32.
- Transport Service User
Refers to the party that purchases and or utilizes a transport service. It could be a shipper or a Transport Service Organizer. See [ISO14083], Section 3.1.33.
2.2. Auxillary Definitions
- Access Token
See PACT Tech Specs for the definition.
- Consignment id
A digital identifier which uniquely identifies a Consignment relative to the Host system and to the Data recipient.
- Data Owner
See PACT Tech Specs for the definition.
- Data Recipient
See PACT Tech Specs for the definition.
- Data Transaction
- Host System
See PACT Tech Specs for the definition. Here, a host system additionally implements support for 1 or more data transactions (§ 4 Data Transactions).
- Hub Operator
A party that is offering hub services, including warehousing and transshipment center services.
Product Carbon Footprint. See PACT Tech Specs for further details.
- ShipmentFootprint
See § 6.1 ShipmentFootprint for the definition.
- Shipment id
A digital identifier which uniquely identifies a Shipment relative to the Host system and to the Data recipient.
- Shipper
An entity which sends goods for transport; e.g. buying transport services from Transport Service Organizers or Transport Operators. See [GLEC] Framework.
- Smart Freight Centre (SFC )
The Smart Freight Centre Organization.
- Tool Provider
Provider of software, tools, services, or programs that support companies in calculating and reporting logistics GHG emissions conforming to these technical specifications.
3. Business Cases
Note: Non-normative section
This specification shall serve the general need of businesses for logistics GHG emissions accounting and reporting, conforming to the [GLEC] Framework and [ISO14083].
Given the nature of the logistics industry, and in order to reduce costs overall, this specification aims at enabling interoperability in the exchange of emissions data between different parties in the logistics value chain.
To achieve this objective, the specification is guided by a set of business cases which provide the framework for delineating subsequent data transactions and the iLEAP data model.
3.1. Quantification of (Avoided) Emissions
A Transport Service User requests its Transport Service Organizers or Transport Operators to provide it with the GHG emissions of Shipments. The transport service user is interested in accessing accurate emission and emission intensity values based on actual measurements ("primary data").
Accurate logistics emissions values also enable the Transport Service User to compare logistics emissions and the resulting reductions from operational measures.
Data Transactions #1 (§ 4.1 Data Transaction 1: TCE Data Exchange) and #2 (§ 4.2 Data Transaction 2: TOC or HOC Data Exchange) enable this business case.
3.2. Procurement of Carbon-Efficient Logistics Services
A Transport Service Organizer requests their Transport Operators to share GHG emission intensity information at the TOC or HOC level. Similarly, a Transport Service User requests intensity information from its Transport Service Organizers and Transport Operators.
By incorporating emission intensities in procurement processes, the parties are enabled to select services by carbon-efficiency advantages.
Data Transaction #2 § 4.2 Data Transaction 2: TOC or HOC Data Exchange enable this business case.
3.3. Simplified Emissions Calculation from Transport Activity Data
Consider the scenario where a Transport Operator, and possibly also Transport Service Organizer, is not yet able to calculate GHG emissions according to the GLEC Framework and [ISO14083].
In such a case, the party may choose to collect Transport Activity Data, that is, information related to a single shipment including mass, distance, and energy carriers used.
After collecting Transport Activity Data, the party can then contract a third party, such as a Tool Provider, to calculate TOC and HOC level data from its Transport Activity Data.
This business case is particularly relevant for SMEs to reduce the entry barrier for logistics emissions reporting.
iLEAP generally simplifies data collection efforts for the parties involved in this business case. For instance, each party needs to collect the activity data only once. This data can be then made available to multiple parties for different purposes, including business cases beyond emissions calculations.
Data Transaction #3 (§ 4.3 Data Transaction 3: Transport Activity Data Exchange) enables this business case.
3.4. Additional Business Cases
- Disclosure of Logistics Emissions as part of PCFs
A Transport Service User is requested to disclose logistics emissions as part of a PCF. A Transport Service User can disclose this data as a data model extension (see § 7.2.1 ShipmentFootprint).
This is enabled through the usage of the PACT Technical Specifications and disclosing through so-called Data Model Extensions based on the iLEAP Data Model (§ 6 Data Model) . See the PACT [DATA-MODEL-EXTENSIONS] specification.
- Forecasting
A Transport Service User requests their service provider (Transport Service Organizer or Transport Operator) to share GHG emissions at the TOC or HOC level. This enables the Transport Service User to forecast emissions related to specific activities or services, before these take place.
- Integration of Book & Claim
Note: This business case is currently out of scope. It may be supported in the future, when book & claim attributes are included in these technical specifications.
A Transport Service Organizer requests their service provider (Transport Operator) to share with them emissions attributes according to a book & claim scheme.
4. Data Transactions
A data transaction is an abstraction for the exchange of data between two parties, serving one or more business cases (§ 3 Business Cases).
It facilitates interoperability between different parties by explaining the context and their intention(s).
Each transaction combines the iLEAP data model (§ 6 Data Model) with the PACT Data Exchange Protocol (§ 7.2 PACT Integration), enabling interoperability between host systems.
The following diagram shows how the three data transactions (defined below) are related:

Note: A Tool Provider can assume various roles on behalf of the Transport Service User, Transport Service Organizer, or Transport Operator, as outlined in the data transactions below. They can serve as mediators in activities involving data collection, calculation, and reporting.
4.1. Data Transaction 1: TCE Data Exchange
This data transaction enables a Transport Service User (for example, a shipper) to receive Transport Chain Elements' emissions related data (encoded as TCEs
) from a Transport Operator or a Transport Service Organizer for a single shipment.
To execute this transaction, the Transport Operator or the Transport Service Organizer MUST
calculate 1 or more TCEs' emissions data in accordance with the [GLEC] Framework and [ISO14083], and then
make the resulting
available to the Transport Service User through the PACT Network API (see § 7.2.1 ShipmentFootprint).
The Transport Service User CAN then derive the Transport Chain (TC) using the shipment id, by
collecting the
from all the Transport Operators and the Transport Service Organizers involved in the shipment -
forming the TC from the collected TCEs
calculating the logistics emissions of the shipment in accordance with the [GLEC] Framework and [ISO14083].
Note: For an example exchange, see § 5 End-to-End Example.
4.2. Data Transaction 2: TOC or HOC Data Exchange
This data transaction enables a Transport Service Organizer to receive TOC or HOC emission intensity data from a Transport Operator.
The provision of emission intensity data at the TOC or HOC level would enable the Transport Service Organizer to collect the necessary information to calculate emissions according to the GLEC Framework and [ISO14083]. It can also facilitate the inclusion of emission intensity in procurement processes, allowing for the provision of services that offer carbon-efficiency advantages (see Business Case 2).
To execute this transaction the Transport Operator or Transport Service Organizer MUST
calculate 1 or more TOC or HOC emission profiles in accordance with the [GLEC] Framework and [ISO14083], and then
make the resulting
available through the PACT Network API (see § 7.2 PACT Integration).
Note: Details on the definition and calculation of TOCs and HOCs are specified in [ISO14083] and guidance is provided in the [GLEC] Framework.
4.3. Data Transaction 3: Transport Activity Data Exchange
This data transaction enables a Transport Service Organizer or a Transport Service User to receive Transport Activity Data from a Transport Operator.
To execute this transaction, the Transport Operator MUST
collect Transport Activity Data belonging to a consignment identified by the consignment id.
make the
available through § 7.1 Action TransportActivityData.
The Transport Service Organizer or Transport Service User CAN then retrieve the TADs
using the consignment ids.
Note: This data transaction is considered necessary by logistics parties, especially for SMEs, lacking the capabilities to make emissions data available. Through this transaction they can provide activity data to their customers.
5. End-to-End Example
Note: Non-normative section
This section provides an end-to-end example of how the data transactions (§ 4 Data Transactions) enable logistics emissions transparency for a single shipment.
The following hypothetical parties are involved:
- Transport Service User
A Transport Service User wants to calculate the logistics emissions of a shipment from Rotterdam to Prague. The shipper has a contract with the Transport Service Organizer
operates a host system which implements Transaction 1 (§ 4.1 Data Transaction 1: TCE Data Exchange) to collectTCEs
. Based on the collectedTCEs
can calculate the Transport Chain (TC) emissions. - Transport Service Organizer
A Transport Service Organizer responsible for a shipment from Rotterdam to Prague.
The Transport Service Organizer contracts Transport Operator A and Transport Operator B to perform the transport.
This operator has a host system which implements Transaction 1 (§ 4.1 Data Transaction 1: TCE Data Exchange) and Transaction 2 (§ 4.2 Data Transaction 2: TOC or HOC Data Exchange).
Through this, the operator is able to calculate
, and provide data to Transport Service UserS
. - Transport Operator
A Transport Operator responsible for the first leg of the shipment.
This Operator has a host system which is capable of calculating
data.Through this, the operator can make Transport Chain Element-level data available to the Transport Service Organizer
, whichZ
can fetch using Transaction 1 (§ 4.1 Data Transaction 1: TCE Data Exchange). - Transport Operator
Another Transport Operator responsible for the second leg of the shipment.
This Transport Operator is capable of making
data available to the Transport Service Organizer Z.
5.1. Data Transactions Executed
Note: This hypothetical example currently ommits hub operations.
Note: In this hypothetical example, when we refer to a party executing a transaction, we implicitly refer to the host systems executing the tasks and transactions on their behalf.
5.1.1. Data Collection by Transport Service Organizer Z
As the transport consists of 2 legs, Z
needs to collect data from the 2 Transport Operators A
and B
For this, the Transport Service Organizer Z
performs the following data transactions:
executes § 4.1 Data Transaction 1: TCE Data Exchange with Transport OperatorA
to collect theTCEs
for the first leg of the shipment. -
As Transport Operator
does not support § 4.1 Data Transaction 1: TCE Data Exchange,Z
performs § 4.3 Data Transaction 3: Transport Activity Data Exchange with Transport OperatorB
to collect theTAD
for the second leg of the shipment. -
then calculates theTCEs
for the second leg of the shipment based on theTAD
data and modelled or default emission factors.
5.1.2. Data Collection by Transport Service User S
After Transport Service Organizer Z
has performed its data collection, the Transport Service User S
can calculate the logistics emissions of the shipment by
collecting the
using the shipment id and § 4.1 Data Transaction 1: TCE Data Exchange, storing the resultingTCEs
in e.g. its database. -
can further verify theTCEs
by collecting theTOCs
using § 4.2 Data Transaction 2: TOC or HOC Data Exchange.
5.2. Example HTTP Calls
5.2.1. Data Collection by Transport Service Organizer Z
To collect the TCEs
from Transport Operator A
, Z
performs the following HTTP call.
Note: The call to /footprints
can return several footprints, 1 for each shipment.
By filtering, e.g. by shipment id, Z
can retrieve the TCEs
the shipment of interest. The use of this functionality is not included in the example below.
The highlighted lines show the data exchanged according to the ShipmentFootprint
data model.
curl -X'GET' \ 'https://api.transport-operator-a.com/2/footprints' \ -H'accept: application/json' \ -H'Authorization: Bearer [access-token]'
Example response:
{ "id" : "d9be4477-e351-45b3-acd9-e1da05e6f633" , "specVersion" : "2.0.0" , "version" : 0 , "created" : "2022-05-22T21:47:32Z" , "status" : "Active" , "companyName" : "Super Duper Transport Co." , "companyIds" : [ "urn:epc:id:sgln:4063973.00000.8" ], "productDescription" : "Logistics emissions related to shipment with ID 1237890" , "productIds" : [ "urn:pathfinder:product:customcode:vendor-assigned:1237890" ], "productCategoryCpc" : "83117" , "productNameCompany" : "Shipment with ID 1237890" , "comment" : "" , "pcf" : { "declaredUnit" : "ton kilometer" , "unitaryProductAmount" : "36.801" , "pCfExcludingBiogenic" : "3.6801" , "fossilGhgEmissions" : "3.6801" , "fossilCarbonContent" : "0.0" , "biogenicCarbonContent" : "0.0" , "characterizationFactors" : "AR5" , "crossSectoralStandardsUsed" : [ "GHG Protocol Product standard" ], "productOrSectorSpecificRules" : [], "boundaryProcessesDescription" : "SFC GLEC Framework-conforming (W2W CO2e emissions)" , "referencePeriodStart" : "2021-01-01T00:00:00Z" , "referencePeriodEnd" : "2022-01-01T00:00:00Z" , "secondaryEmissionFactorSources" : [ { "name" : "GLEC" , "version" : "3.0" } ], "exemptedEmissionsPercent" : 0.0 , "exemptedEmissionsDescription" : "" , "packagingEmissionsIncluded" : true , "primaryDataShare" : 100.0 }, "extensions" : [ { "specVersion" : "2.0.0" , "dataSchema" : "https://api.ileap.sine.dev/shipment-footprint.json" , "data" : { "mass" : "87" , "shipmentId" : "1237890" , "tces" : [ { "tceId" : "abcdef" , "prevTceIds" : [], "tocId" : "truck-40t-euro5-de" , "shipmentId" : "1237890" , "mass" : "87" , "distance" : { "actual" : "423" }, "transportActivity" : "36.801" , "co2eWTW" : "3.6801" , "co2eTTW" : "3.2801" } ] } } ] }
5.2.2. Data Collection by Transport Service User S
To collect the TCE data related to the shipment from Transport Organizer Z
, S
performs the following HTTP call, which yields 2 TCEs.
Note: The call to /footprints
can return several footprints, 1 for each shipment.
By filtering, e.g. by shipment id, Z
can retrieve the TCEs
for the shipment of interest. The use of this functionality is not included in the example below.
The highlighted lines show 2 TCEs which Z
has collected and calculated for S
curl -X'GET' \ 'https://api.transport-organizer.com/2/footprints' \ -H'accept: application/json' \ -H'Authorization: Bearer [access-token]'
Example response:
{ "id" : "fb1faac2-7712-458a-a1db-bace3a44abb4" , "specVersion" : "2.0.0" , "version" : 0 , "created" : "2022-05-22T21:47:32Z" , "status" : "Active" , "companyName" : "Transport Organizer Z" , "companyIds" : [ "urn:epc:id:sgln:123456.00000.8" ], "productDescription" : "Logistics emissions related to shipment with ID 1237890" , "productIds" : [ "urn:pathfinder:product:customcode:vendor-assigned:shipment:1237890" ], "productCategoryCpc" : "83117" , "productNameCompany" : "Shipment with ID 1237890" , "comment" : "" , "pcf" : { "declaredUnit" : "ton kilometer" , "unitaryProductAmount" : "64.728" , "pCfExcludingBiogenic" : "8,42769" , "fossilGhgEmissions" : "8,42769" , "fossilCarbonContent" : "0.0" , "biogenicCarbonContent" : "0.0" , "characterizationFactors" : "AR5" , "crossSectoralStandardsUsed" : [ "GHG Protocol Product standard" ], "productOrSectorSpecificRules" : [], "boundaryProcessesDescription" : "SFC GLEC Framework-conforming (W2W CO2e emissions)" , "referencePeriodStart" : "2021-01-01T00:00:00Z" , "referencePeriodEnd" : "2022-01-01T00:00:00Z" , "secondaryEmissionFactorSources" : [ { "name" : "GLEC" , "version" : "3.0" } ], "exemptedEmissionsPercent" : 0.0 , "exemptedEmissionsDescription" : "" , "packagingEmissionsIncluded" : true , "primaryDataShare" : 56.85 }, "extensions" : [ { "specVersion" : "2.0.0" , "dataSchema" : "https://api.ileap.sine.dev/shipment-footprint.json" , "data" : { "mass" : "87" , "shipmentId" : "1237890" , "tces" : [ { "tceId" : "abcdef" , "prevTceIds" : [], "tocId" : "truck-40t-euro5-de" , "shipmentId" : "1237890" , "mass" : "87" , "distance" : { "actual" : "423" }, "transportActivity" : "3.6801" , "co2eWTW" : "3.6801" , "co2eTTW" : "3.2801" }, { "tceId" : "ghijkl" , "prevTceIds" : [ "abcdef" ], "tocId" : "operator-z-truck-89sdff" , "shipmentId" : "1237890" , "mass" : "87" , "distance" : { "actual" : "321" }, "transportActivity" : "27.927" , "co2eWTW" : "4.74759" , "co2eTTW" : "4.272831" } ] } } ] }
6. Data Model
The iLEAP data model of this chapter together with the data transactions (§ 4 Data Transactions) build on top of the ISO 14083 concepts of TOC, HOC, TCE, TC.
Additionally, the concept of transport activity data (TAD) is added to facilitate reporting in case of missing data or limited emissions calculation capabilities from e.g. Transport Operators.
Please, find more details on emissions calculation and the relantionship between the different concepts in the [GLEC] Framework and [ISO14083]).
The iLEAP Data Model is composed by five main data types: ShipmentFootprint
, and TAD
and TOCs
can be exchanged independently as extensions to the PACT
Data Model ([PACTDX]) (see [DATA-MODEL-EXTENSIONS]) in a ProductFootprint
can be exchanged through a dedicated endpoint. This should only be used by Transport Operators who cannot yet provide ShipmentFootprints
, TOCs
, nor HOCs
6.1. ShipmentFootprint
is a collection of 1
or more Transport Chain Elements (encoded as TCEs
for a single shipment, from a single entity (a Transport Operator or a Transport Service Organizer).
By collecting 1 or more TCEs
for a shipment from Transport Operators and Transport Service Organizers,
a Transport Service User can build the ShipmentFootprint
. The ShipmentFootprint
corresponds to the logistics emissions related to a full Transport Chain (TC).
To calculate a ShipmentFootprint, the Transport Service User MUST
first receive
from Transport Operators and Transport Service Organizers, linked to the shipment id for a single shipment in accordance with § 6.2 Transport Chain Element (TCE), OR calculateTCEs
from Transport Operators and Transport Service Organizers. -
and then add up all
that compose the full Transport Chain (TC) to derive theShipmentFootprint
6.1.1. Data Attributes
A ShipmentFootprint
has the following properties:
Property | Type | Req | Specification |
mass : Decimal
| String | M | The mass of the good (SI Unit kilograms ) and the packaging provided for transport by the Transport Service User, excluding any additional packaging or handling equipment used by the Transport Operator or Transport Service Organizer.
volume : Decimal
| String | O | The volume of the freight (SI Unit cubic metre (CBM) ) and any packaging provided by the Transport Service User.
| Number | O | The number of units the shipment, including the goods transported and any packaging provided by the Transport Service User, is composed of. |
| String | O | The type of units the shipment, including the goods transported and any packaging provided by the Transport Service User, is composed of. For example, boxes, pallets, bottles, etc. |
| String | M | The shipment id of the shipment related to this ShipmentFootprint .
| TCE []
| M | The non-empty array of TCEs relating to this shipment. |
6.2. Transport Chain Element (TCE
The Data Type TCE
models information related to a single Transport Chain Element.
The data related to TCEs can be obtained from direct measurement (see Primary Data) or other measurements (see Secondary Data).
are typically calculated by Transport Operators and Transport Service Organizers. They are made available to Transport Service Users through
the ShipmentFootprint
data type and the PACT Data Exchange Protocol. See § 6.1 ShipmentFootprint and § 7.2 PACT Integration for details.
6.2.1. Ordering of TCEs
For reasons of transparency, traceability, auditability, and comprehensibility, the recipients of TCE data (Transport Service User or Transport Service Organizer) SHOULD also receive the information on the order in which the TCEs occurred during the transport of the shipment.
Order here means "happens-before" relationship between TCEs relative to other TCEs of the same ShipmentFootprint
To facilitate this, the data model of TCEs includes the property prevTceIds
If defined, prevTceIds
MUST reference all the IDs (tceId
) of the TCEs which happened immediately before the current TCE and ShipmentFootprint
If the property is defined and the array is empty, the current TCE MUST be the first TCE of the shipment in relation to the ShipmentFootprint
A Transport Service User procured the shipment of 2 containers to Rotterdam through a Transport Service Organizer. The organizer then makes a ShipmentFootprint
available to the Transport Service User, consisting of the following TCEs:
Two TCEs with IDs
for the first leg of the shipment comprising the transport of the 2 containers from the warehouse to the port. For both TCEs,prevTceIds
must equal[]
(the empty array). -
One TCE with ID
for the second leg of the shipment, which is the transport of the 2 containers from the port in Shanghai to the port of Rotterdam. For this TCE,prevTceIds
must equal["tce1234", "tce567"]
. -
And, last but not least, another TCE with ID
for the hub operations at Rotterdam. For this TCE,prevTceIds
must equal["tce890"]
6.2.2. Data Attributes
The Data Type TCE
has the following properties:
Note: The properties tocId
and hocId
are mutually exclusive, but one of them MUST be defined.
Property | Type | Req | Specification |
| String | M | The id of the Transport Chain Element. |
| String[] | O | If defined, the tceIds of Transport Chain Element preceding the current TCE.
See § 6.2.1 Ordering of TCEs for more information.
| String |
If defined, the id of the TOC used for the calculation of this TCE .
| |
| String |
If defined, the id of the HOC used for the calculation of this TCE .
| |
| String | M | The shipment id of the shipment related to this TCE .
| String | O | The consignment id of the consignment of corresponding to this TCE .
mass : Decimal
| String | M | The freight mass (SI derived Unit kilograms ) and the packaging provided for transport by the Transport Service user, excluding any additional packaging or handling equipment used by the Transport Operator or Transport Service Organizer, in accordance with the [GLEC] Framework.
| PackagingOrTrEqType
| O | Category of relevant packaging or transport equipment units utilized for the transport of the consignment. See data type PackagingOrTrEqType for further information.
| Number | O | Number of packaging or transport equipment units utilized to transport the related consignment by the Transport Operator or Transport Service Organizer. |
| GLECDistance
| M | The distance between the origin and the destination of the activity related to the TCE. |
| Location
| O | The origin of the activity related to the TCE. |
| Location
| O | The destination of the activity related to the TCE. |
transportActivity : Decimal
| String | M |
The transport activity of the TCE (SI derived Unit ton kilometers )
If the transport distance is
700 kilometers and the mass is 230 kilograms ,
then the value of this property MUST be 161 ((700 kilometers * 230 kilograms) / 1000 ). |
| String | O | Timestamp of departure. The value MUST be a date and time string conforming to ISO 8601 with timezone UTC. |
| String | O | Timestamp of arrival. The value MUST be a date and time string conforming to ISO 8601 with timezone UTC. |
| String | O | Identification no of the IATA flight number. |
| String | O | Identification no of a specific vessel operating on a specific route. |
| String | O |
Incoterms are a set of internationally recognized rules defining the responsbilities of sellers and buyer in relation to the logistics activities between the parties.
If defined, the value of this property MUST be one of the following:
co2eWTW : Decimal
| String | M | GHG emissions released to atmosphere during the process of producing, storing,
processing and distributing an energy carrier for vehicle operation + GHG emissions
released to atmosphere as a result of vehicle operation.
The value MUST be calculated for the TCE with unit kgCO2e .
co2eTTW : Decimal
| String | M | GHG emissions released to atmosphere as a result of vehicle operation
The value MUST be calculated for the TCE with unit kgCO2e .
noxTTW : Decimal
| String | O | Nitrogen oxide released to atmosphere as a result of vehicle operation.
The value MUST be calculated for the TCE with unit kg .
soxTTW : Decimal
| String | O | Sulphur oxide released to atmosphere as a result of vehicle operation.
The value MUST be calculated for the TCE with unit kg .
ch4TTW : Decimal
| String | O | Methane released to atmosphere as a result of vehicle operation.
The value MUST be calculated for the TCE with unit kg .
pmTTW : Decimal
| String | O | Particulate matter (PM10 and PM2.5) released to atmosphere as a result of vehicle operation.
The value MUST be calculated for the TCE with unit kg .
6.3. Transport Operation Category (TOC
The Data Type TOC
contains transport operation category data.
The Transport Operator or Transport Service Organizer MUST calculate the TOC
in accordance with the [GLEC] Framework.
The Transport Operator or Transport Service Organizer SHOULD then make the TOC
available through the PACT Network API as a ProductFootprint
(see § 7.2.2 TOC).
Transport Operation Category data can be obtained from direct measurement
(see primary data
definition of [ISO14083]) or other measurements
(see secondary data
definition of [ISO14083]) such as modelled data
or default values.
6.3.1. Data Attributes
The Data Type TOC
has the following properties:
Property | Type | Req | Specification |
| String | M | Unique id of the TOC relative to the Host system. |
| Boolean | M | Indicates that the truthfulness of the GHG emissions value and related variables has been confirmed by a Validation and Verification Body (VVB), as declared in a Verification Statement. The VVB must follow a widely recognized standard for their GHG verification services (example: the ISO or ISAE standards). Verification should use [ISO14083] as audit criteria. |
| Boolean | M | (=certified) Indicates that the calculation methodology has been evaluated as compliant with [ISO14083]:2023, as declared in an Accreditation (=Certification) certificate. |
| String | O | Text description of the applicable TOC. Including mode of transport, contract type, equipment type, vehicle type, freight temperature, LTL/FTL etc |
mode : TransportMode
| String | M | Mode of transport. |
loadFactor : Decimal
| String | O |
Ratio of the mass of the actual load to the maximum legally authorized load of a particular vehicle on a TOC level.
It is applied to the loaded distance of the transport.
The value of this property must be between |
emptyDistanceFactor : Decimal
| String | O |
Ratio of the section of the route of a vehicle during which no freight is transported over the total distance (loaded plus empty distance) of a vehicle on a TOC level.
The value of this property must be between |
| String | O |
Temperature control status of the TOC.
If defined, the value of this property MUST be set to one of the following:
| String | O | Only for road. If defined, the value MUST be one of the following: |
| String | O |
Only for air transport. Indicates if the movement of freight is combined with passanger transport (belly freight), or a dedicated aircraft for the movement of freight (freighter).
If defined, the value MUST be one of the following:
| String | O |
Only for air transport. Indicates if the distance travelled is smaller or greater than 1500 km, as defined in the [GLEC] Framework.
If defined, the value MUST be one of the following:
| EnergyCarrier []
| M | The non-empty array of EnergyCarriers used to generate mechanical movement or heat and to generate chemical or physical processes, as defined in the [GLEC] Framework. |
co2eIntensityWTW : Decimal
| String | M | The Coefficient relating specified transport activity with WTW GHG emissions with unit kgCO2e per co2eIntensityWTW as defined in the [GLEC] Framework.
co2eIntensityTTW : Decimal
| String | M | The Coefficient relating specified transport activity with TTW GHG emissions with unit kgCO2e per co2eIntensityTTW as defined in the [GLEC] Framework.
| String | M |
Indicates the freight transport activity unit at the denominator of the co2eIntensityWTW and at the denominator of the co2eIntensityTTW . The value MUST be one of the following:
The enumeration of throughputs will be evolved in future revisions. Account for this when implementing the validation of this property. |
6.4. Hub Operation Category (HOC
The Data Type HOC
contains HOC data. It is referenced in a Transport Chain Element through the hocId
HOCs are the building blocks for the calculation of a Transport Chain Element with hub operations.
6.4.1. Data Attributes
The Data TypeHOC
has the following properties:
Property | Type | Req | Specification |
| String | M | The id of the HOC
| String | O | Text description of the applicable HOC. Including hub type, contract type, equipment type, freight temperature, etc |
| Boolean | M | Indicates that the truthfulness of the GHG emissions value and related variables has been confirmed by a Validation and Verification Body (VVB), as declared in a Verification Statement. The VVB must follow a widely recognized standard for their GHG verification services (example: the ISO or ISAE standards). Verification should use [ISO14083] as audit criteria. |
| Boolean | M | (=certified) Indicates that the calculation methodology has been evaluated as compliant with [ISO14083]:2023, as declared in an Accreditation (=Certification) certificate. |
| HubType
| M | Type of Hub. |
| String | O |
Temperature control status of the hub.
If defined, the value of this property MUST be set to one of the following:
| Location
| O | The address of the hub. |
inboundTransportMode : TransportMode
| TransportMode
| O | Indicates the transport mode upstream the hub for this HOC. |
outboundTransportMode : TransportMode
| TransportMode
| O | Indicates the transport mode downstream the hub for this HOC. |
| String | O | Category of relevant packaging or transport equipment units utilized for the transport of the consignment. See data type PackagingOrTrEqType for further information.
| Number | O | Number of packaging or transport equipment units utilized to transport the related consignment by the Transport Operator or Transport Service Organizer. |
| EnergyCarrier []
| M | The non-empty array of EnergyCarriers used to generate mechanical movement or heat and to generate chemical or physical processes, as defined in the [GLEC] Framework. |
co2eIntensityWTW : Decimal
| String | M | The Coefficient relating specified transport activity and WTW GHG emissions, with unit kgCO2e per co2eIntensityThroughput as defined in the [GLEC] Framework.
co2eIntensityTTW : Decimal
| String | M | The Coefficient relating specified transport activity and TTW GHG emissions, with unit kgCO2e per co2eIntensityTTW as defined in the [GLEC] Framework.
| String | M |
Indicates the freight transport activity unit at the denominator of the co2eIntensityWTW and at the denominator of the co2eIntensityTTW . At the HOC level, the possible values are
The enumeration of throughputs will be evolved in future revisions. Account for this when implementing the validation of this property. |
6.5. Transport Activity Data (TAD
The Transport Activity Data (TAD
) data type contains activity
data, referring to a single consignment, leg, and mode of transport, or to a
single transshipment within a hub.
Each TAD CAN contain values for attributes which are categorial to the operations of a fleet or hub (such as load factor or feedstock mix). In this case, the values CAN be calculated from the actual data of more than one consignment (“representative” or “average data”).
Note: Instead of exchanging the load factor for a single assignment, the load factor can be calculated from a multitude of consignments following the principles of TOC calculation.
The TAD data type is designed for entities (Transport Operators or Transport Service Organizers) that lack the capabilities to perform carbon emission calculations (see Business Case 3) or are contractually obliged to exchange activity data with another party.
It can also be used by the service providers (Transport Operator or Transport Service Organizer) to provide additional transparency to their business partners where relevant.
6.5.1. Data Attributes
The table below lists the properties defined for the TAD
data type.
When exchanging it through the Action TransportActivityData, it MUST be encoded as a JSON object.
Attribute Id | Type | Req | Description |
| String | M | The non-empty unique ID of this activity relative to the host system. |
| String[] | M | The non-empty array of unique IDs of the consignments related to the activity (relative to the Host system and to the Data recipient). |
| GLECDistance
| M | The Distance between the origin and the destination of the activity. |
mass : Decimal
| String | O | Mass of freight (SI derived Unit kilograms ).
loadFactor : Decimal
| String | O |
Ratio of the mass of the actual load to the maximum legally authorized load of a particular vehicle on a TOC level.
It is applied to the loaded distance of the transport.
The value of this property must be between |
emptyDistanceFactor : Decimal
| String | O |
Ratio of the section of the route of a vehicle during which no freight is transported over the total distance (loaded plus empty distance) of a vehicle on a TOC level.
The value of this property must be between |
| Location
| M | The origin of the activity related to the Transport Activity. |
| Location
| M | The destination of the activity related to the Transport Activity. |
| String | M | Timestamp of departure. The value MUST be a date and time string conforming to ISO 8601 with timezone UTC. |
| String | M | Timestamp of arrival. The value MUST be a date and time string conforming to ISO 8601 with timezone UTC. |
| TransportMode
| M | Mode of transport. |
| String | O | Category of relevant packaging or transport equipment units utilized for the transport of the consignment. See data type PackagingOrTrEqType for further information.
| Number | O | Number of packaging or transport equipment units utilized to transport the related consignment by the Transport Operator or Transport Service Organizer. |
| EnergyCarrier []
| O |
If defined, the non-empty array of EnergyCarriers used to generate mechanical
movement or heat and to generate chemical or physical processes.
This array MAY contain aggregated data from multiple consignments. In this case, the aggregation MUST follow principles from the [GLEC] Framework. |
properties6.6. Additional Utility Data Types
6.6.1. Data Type GLECDistance
Data type GLECDistance
represents a distance in kilometers between origin and destination as defined in the [GLEC] Framework.
In JSON an GLECDistance
MUST be encoded as a JSON Object.
At least one of the following properties of data type GLECDistance
MUST be defined:
Attribute Id | Type | Req | Description |
actual : Decimal
| String | O | Distance between the origin and the destination of a consignment of freight or a vehicle, along a specified route (or from telematics), as defined in the [GLEC] Framework. |
gcd : Decimal
| String | O | Great Circle Distance between the origin and the destination, as defined in the [GLEC] Framework. |
sfd : Decimal
| String | O | Shortest Feasible Distance between the origin and the destination, as defined in the [GLEC] Framework. |
properties6.6.2. Data Type Location
Properties of data type Location
Attribute Id | Type | Req | Definition |
| String | O | Street of the location. |
| String | O | Postal code of the location. |
| String | M | City of the location. |
| Country | M | An ISO 3166-2 alpha-2 country code. See https://wbcsd.github.io/data-exchange-protocol/v2/#iso3166cc for details. |
| iataCode | O | IATA code of airport. Applies only to (i) TCEs referring to a TOC with mode Air and (ii) TAD with mode Air .
| locode | O | UN/LOCODE of the location. |
| uic | O | UIC Code of the location. Applies only to (i) TCEs referring to a TOC with mode Rail and (ii) TAD with mode Rail .
| Decimal | O | Latitude of the location. If lng is defined, so lat MUST be defined.
| Decimal | O | Longitude of the location. If lat is defined, so lng MUST be defined.
properties6.6.3. Data Type TransportMode
The Data Type TransportMode
is an enumeration of the transport modes as defined in the [GLEC] Framework.
It MUST be encoded as a String using one of the following values:
For transport mode
For transport mode
For transport mode
For transport mode
For transport mode
inland waterway
NOTE: These transport modes are defined for TOC only. HOC transport modes are defined seperately.
6.6.4. Data Type HubType
The Data Type HubType
is an enumeration of the main hub types as defined in the [GLEC] Framework.
It MUST be encoded as a String using one of the following values:
Refers to hubs where transshipment is the main service (>80% of goods handled)
Refers to hubs where both transshipment and warehousing are relevant services
Refers to hubs where warehousing is the main service (>80% of goods handled)
Refers to terminals equiped to handle cargo in liquid and gaseous forms
Refers to hubs where maritime containers are handled
6.6.5. Data Type Decimal
A decimal number.
In JSON, a Decimal MUST be encoded as a JSON String.
Note: The JSON String encoding is necessary to avoid floating point rounding errors.
6.6.6. Data Type EnergyCarrier
Data type EnergyCarrier
represents an energy carrier, including its feedstocks.
In JSON an EnergyCarrier
MUST be encoded as a JSON Object.
The following properties are defined for data type EnergyCarrier
Attribute Id | Type | Req | Definition |
| EnergyCarrierType
| M | The substance used to generate mechanical movement or heat and to generate chemical or
physical processes as per the [GLEC] Framework. See data type EnergyCarrierType for further information.
| Feedstock []
| O | If defined, the non-empty array of Feedstocks of the energy carrier. The sum total of the feedstock percentages MUST be smaller than or equal to 1. |
energyConsumption : Decimal
| String | O | Amount of energy carrier consumed per transport activity, as defined for the TOC or HOC. If defined, energyConsumptionUnit MUST be defined as well.
| String | O |
Unit of the energy consumed corresponding to the energyConsumption . energyConsumptionUnit MUST be defined if energyConsumption is defined.
Possible values are:
The enumeration of energy consumption units will be evolved in future revisions. Account for this when implementing the validation of this property. |
emissionFactorWTW : Decimal
| String | O |
The WTW fuel emission factor (certified) with unit kgCO2e / energy consumption unit (energyConsumptionUnit ).
This property MUST be defined when |
emissionFactorTTW : Decimal
| String | O |
The TTW fuel emission factor (certified) with unit kgCO2e / energy consumption unit (energyConsumptionUnit ).
This property MUST be defined when |
6.6.7. Data Type EnergyCarrierType
Data type EnergyCarrierType
represents the substance used to generate mechanical
movement or heat and to generate chemical or physical processes as per the [GLEC] Framework.
It MUST be encoded as a String using one of the following values:
The enumeration of energy carrier types will be evolved in future revisions. Account for this when implementing the validation of this property.
- Diesel
Refers to diesel
Refers to Hydrotreated Vegetable Oil
- Petrol
Refers to petrol
Refers to Compressed Natural Gas
Refers to Liquefied Natural Gas
Refers to Liquefied Petroleum Gas
Refers to Heavy Fuel Oil
Refers to Marine Gas Oil
- Aviation fuel
Refers to aviation fuel
- Hydrogen
Refers to hydrogen
- Methanol
Refers to methanol
- Electric
Refers to electricity
6.6.8. Data Type Feedstock
Data type Feedstock
represents one feedstock of an EnergyCarrier.
In JSON an Feedstock
MUST be encoded as a JSON Object.
The following properties are defined for data type Feedstock
Attribute Id | Type | Req | Definition |
| String | M |
A feedstock of an EnergyCarrier.
The value MUST be one of the following:
The enumeration of feedstocks will be evolved in future revisions. Account for this when implementing the validation of this property. |
feedstockPercentage : [0..1]
| Number | O | Percentage of the feedstock in the total composition of energy carrier. |
| String | O | Country or region of provenance of the feedstock. |
6.6.9. Data Type PackagingOrTrEqType
Data type PackagingOrTrEqType
represents the category of relevant packaging or transport equipment
units utilized for the transport of the consignment by the Transport Operator or Transport Service Organizer.
It MUST be encoded as a String using one of the following values:
The enumeration of packaging or transport equipment units below will be evolved in future revisions. Account for this when implementing the validation of this property.
- Box
Refers to boxes
- Pallet
Refers to pallets
- Container
Refers to containers
A host system MUST implement:
The endpoint for the exchange of Transport Activity Data (see § 7.1 Action TransportActivityData); and
The exchange of
, andHOC
as specified in § 7.2 PACT Integration.
The exchange of logistics emissions data throught the § 6 Data Model presupposes the implementation of the HTTP REST API defined in [PACTDX] (Chapter 6).
By relying on [PACTDX] for the data exchange, the integration of logistics emissions data into existing host systems' software is simplified. In addition, this approach can further enhance and support the convergence of emissions transparency across sectors and initiatives.
They can then use 1 interoperable API for the exchange of different categories of carbon emissions data related to GHG Protocol lifecycle stages (such as material acquisition and transport).
Additionally, by mapping the GLEC Data model into the [PACTDX] data model, existing host systems can be gradually extended to support calculation of logistics emissions in accordance with the [GLEC] Framework and [ISO14083].
7.1. Action TransportActivityData
Lists the data owner’s Transport Activity Data with § 7.1.2 Pagination and optional § 7.1.1 Filtering
A Host system SHOULD implement an access management system to return only the transport activity data intended for the requesting data recipient.
7.1.1. Filtering
Filtering CAN be requested by a data recipient by supplying a filter statement through the Filter request parameter.
Note: The filter statement syntax is described at the Filter request parameter.
If a host system does not implement filtering, it MUST process the request as if no Filter was provided.
If a host system implements filtering, it CAN process the filter statement on a best-effort basis:
it CAN ignore the filter statement or parts of the filter statement, or
it CAN return an error response as defined in the PACT Technical Specifications. For instance, a host system CAN return an error with code
if it does not support a specific filter pair; -
it CAN treat concatenated filters disjunctively, i.e., returning the union of the results of the individual filters.
7.1.2. Pagination
Host systems MUST implement pagination server-side such that
the host system MAY return less Transport Activity Data than requested through the Limit request parameter;
the host system MUST return a
header if there is additional Transport Activity Data ready to be retrieved, such that-
header conforms to [RFC8288]; -
the value of the
parameter is equal tonext
; -
the target IRI (RFC8288, section 3.1) of the
header is absolute; -
the value of
of the target IRI is equal to the value of thehost
request header from the originalTransportActivityData
HTTP request.
The target IRI from a pagination link
header is called a pagination link.
Upon a host system returning a pagination link:
a data recipient CAN call the pagination link more than once;
upon each call, the host system;
MUST return the same Transport Activity Data upon successful authentication (i.e. a Bearer token authentication as defined in [PACTDX] Section 6.3);
MUST NOT return more data than requested in case Limit was defined by a data recipient;
MUST return a
header conforming with the previous description in case there is additional Transport Activity Data available;
if a response contains a second pagination link, upon the data recipient calling the second pagination link, the previous pagination link MAY no longer work.
i.e. data recipients MUST NOT assume that previous pagination links continue to return results after advancing in the pagination process;
a pagination link MUST be valid for at least 180 seconds after creation;
a data recipient SHOULD retry calling the pagination link after the server returned an error;
and SHOULD use a randomized exponential back-off strategy when retrying.
7.1.3. Request Syntax
GET Subpath /2/ileap/tad? Filter & Limit HTTP / 1.1 host : Hostname authorization : Bearer BearerToken
- Subpath
If a host system uses a relative subpath, then the requesting data recipient MUST prepend this subpath.
- Hostname
The requesting data recipient MUST use the domain name of the host system.
- BearerToken
See [PACTDX] section 6.3 Authentication Flow.
- Filter
is an OPTIONAL request parameter containing a filter statement. A filter statement is a list of name-value filter pairs. Each filter pair has a$name=$value
syntax where$name
is the (case-sensitive) name of the field to filter by, and$value
the (case-insensitive) value to filter for. Filter pairs CAN be concatenated with&
.Get transport activity data with Feedstock"Fossil"
GET /2/ileap/tad?feedstock=Fossil&packagingOrTrEqType=pallet HTTP / 1.1 - Limit
is an OPTIONAL request parameter. If defined,-
the name of the HTTP request parameter MUST be
and -
the value MUST be a positive integer.
7.1.4. Response Syntax
Response without a link
HTTP/1.1 TadStatusCode TadStatusText content-type: application/json content-length: ContentLength TadResponseBody
Paginated response with a link
HTTP/1.1 TadStatusCode TadStatusText content-type: application/json content-length: ContentLength link: PaginationLink; rel="next" TadResponseBody
With response parameters
- TadStatusCode
If the host system returns transport activity data, the
MUST be 200.If the host system responds with an error response, the
MUST match the HTTP Status Code of the respective error response code, as defined in the PACT Technical Specifications. - TadStatusText
The HTTP Status text conforming to the HTTP status code TadStatusCode.
- TadResponseBody
If the host system accepts the access token, the body MUST be a JSON object with property
with value the list of Transport Activity Data. The list MUST be encoded as a JSON array.If the host system does not accept the access token, the body MUST be an error response with code AccessDenied.
If the host system does not accept the access token because it expired, the body SHOULD be an error response with code TokenExpired.
In all other cases, for instance in case of a malformed value of the header authorization, the body SHOULD be an error response with code BadRequest.
- ContentLength
The length of the Body. See [rfc9112].
- PaginationLink
See pagination link and § 7.1.2 Pagination.
7.2. PACT Integration
The Data types defined in § 6 Data Model are specific to [ISO14083] and the [GLEC] Framework.
This section specifies the integration of the data types ShipmentFootprint
, and HOC
into the PACT Data Model ([PACTDX] Chapter 4).
The integration of the data types ShipmentFootprint
, and HOC
is achieved by storing them as extensions to the PACT Data Model (see [DATA-MODEL-EXTENSIONS]).
Therefore, all properties defined in the latter are also properties of the former. As a result, some properties relevant to logistics do not need to be defined in the § 6 Data Model.
The list below contains the properties that were omitted for this reason.
Note: The extensions of one ProductFootprint
CANNOT contain more than one iLEAP Data Type.
Attribute Id | Type | Req | Description | Source |
validityPeriodStart : DateTime
| String | O | Determines the start of the validity period, ie., the time interval during which the ProductFootprint is declared as valid for use by a receiving data recipient. | ProductFootprint/validityPeriodStart |
validityPeriodEnd : DateTime
| String | O | Determines the end (excluding) of the validity period, ie., the time interval during which the ProductFootprint is declared as valid for use by a receiving data recipient. | ProductFootprint/validityPeriodEnd |
assurance : Assurance
| Object | O | If present, the Assurance information in accordance with the [PACT-FRAMEWORK]. | CarbonFootprint/assurance |
7.2.1. ShipmentFootprint
Note: This chapter refers to the PACT Data Model. See [PACTDX] Chapter 4 for further details.
A ShipmentFootprint CAN be integrated into the PACT Data Model ([PACTDX]) by storing a ShipmentFootprint
as an extension (see [DATA-MODEL-EXTENSIONS]) in a ProductFootprint
For interoperability reasons, [PACTDX]-related attributes MUST be derived from the ShipmentFootprint
where possible. Details are specified in the table below.
Note: Section ShipmentFootprint example contains an example.
PACT Data Type | Property | Value Derivation |
ProductFootprint | productIds
MUST contain the shipment ID shipmentId , encoded as
Note: |
ProductFootprint | productCategoryCpc
| MUST be equal to 83117 , the CPC code of logistics services.
CarbonFootprint | declaredUnit
MUST be set to ton kilometer conforming to the PACT Tech Specs.
See [PACTDX] Chapter 4 for further details. |
CarbonFootprint | unitaryProductAmount
| MUST equal the total ton kilometers over all TCEs (tces ),
calculated by taking the sum of the ton kilometers over all TCEs (see property transportActivity )
CarbonFootprint | productMassPerDeclaredUnit
This property is OPTIONAL in the [PACTDX] data Model but will become MANDATORY in v3.
MUST equal the mass of the shipment ( |
CarbonFootprint | pCfExcludingBiogenic
MUST be set to the total logistics emissions of the shipment calculated by taking the sum of the co2eWTW over all TCEs (tces ).
Version 4 of the GLEC Framework will provide guidance on biogenic emissions. Updates to this property will be made after its release. |
CarbonFootprint | pCfIncludingBiogenic
This property is OPTIONAL in the [PACTDX] data Model.
It SHOULD be kept undefined. Version 4 of the GLEC Framework will provide guidance on biogenic emissions. Updates to this property will be made after its release. |
CarbonFootprint | fossilGhgEmissions
| See the specification for pCfExcludingBiogenic in this table.
CarbonFootprint | fossilCarbonContent
| See the specification for pCfExcludingBiogenic in this table.
CarbonFootprint | biogenicCarbonContent
SHOULD be set to "0"
Version 4 of the GLEC Framework will provide guidance on biogenic emissions. Updates to this property will be made after its release. |
CarbonFootprint | packagingEmissionsIncluded
See [PACTDX] for further details.
MUST be set to |
CarbonFootprint | primaryDataShare
The relative share of logistics emissions for whose calculation primary data has been used.
See [PACTDX] and the PACT Framework ([PACT-FRAMEWORK]) for further details. |
DataModelExtension | specVersion
| MUST be set "2.0.0" , the current version of [DATA-MODEL-EXTENSIONS].
DataModelExtension | dataSchema
MUST be set to "https://api.ileap.sine.dev/shipment-footprint.json" , the URL of the JSON schema for ShipmentFootprint .
The URL of the JSON schema will be updated in future revisions. |
DataModelExtension | documentation
| SHOULD be set. If set, its value MUST be "https://sine-fdn.github.io/ileap-extension/" .
DataModelExtension | data
| MUST contain the ShipmentFootprint as a JSON object.
propertiesThe ProductFootprint
mandatory properties id, specVersion, version, status, companyName, companyIds, productDescription,
and productNameCompany cannot be derived from the ShipmentFootprint
and MUST be provided by the data owner. Please follow
the links above for further details.
The CarbonFootprint
mandatory properties characterizationFactors, ipccCharacterizationFactorsSources, crossSectoralStandardsUsed, crossSectoralStandars, boundaryProcessesDescription, referencePeriodStart, referencePeriodEnd, exemptedEmissionsPercent,
and exemptedEmissionsDescription cannot be derived from the ShipmentFootprint
and MUST be provided by the data owner. Please follow
the links above for further details.
Any optional property that is not explicitly mentioned above MAY remain unset. All mandatory
properties that cannot be derived from ShipmentFootprint
CAN be populated in a best-effort manner.
7.2.2. TOC
Note: This chapter refers to the PACT Data Model. See [PACTDX] Chapter 4 for further details.
A TOC CAN be integrated into the PACT Data Model ([PACTDX]) by storing a TOC
as an
extension (see [DATA-MODEL-EXTENSIONS]) in a ProductFootprint
For interoperability reasons, several attributes of a ProductFootprint
MUST be derived from the TOC
. This is specified in the table below.
Note: Section TOC example contains an example.
PACT Data Type | Property | Value Derivation |
ProductFootprint | productIds
MUST contain the TOC ID tocId , encoded as
Note: |
ProductFootprint | productCategoryCpc
| MUST be equal to 83117 , the CPC code of logistics services.
CarbonFootprint | declaredUnit
MUST be set to ton kilometer conforming to the PACT Tech Specs.
See [PACTDX] Chapter 4 for further details. |
CarbonFootprint | unitaryProductAmount
| SHOULD be set to "1" so that the ProductFootprint represents the emissions per ton kilometer of the TOC.
CarbonFootprint | productMassPerDeclaredUnit
This property is OPTIONAL in the [PACTDX] data Model but will become MANDATORY in v3.
MUST be set to |
CarbonFootprint | pCfExcludingBiogenic
MUST be set to the logistics emissions intensity of the TOC defined in co2eIntensityWTW .
Version 4 of the GLEC Framework will provide guidance on biogenic emissions. Updates to this property will be made after its release. |
CarbonFootprint | pCfIncludingBiogenic
This property is OPTIONAL in the [PACTDX] data Model.
It SHOULD be kept undefined. Version 4 of the GLEC Framework will provide guidance on biogenic emissions. Updates to this property will be made after its release. |
CarbonFootprint | fossilGhgEmissions
| See the specification for pCfExcludingBiogenic in this table.
CarbonFootprint | fossilCarbonContent
| See the specification for pCfExcludingBiogenic in this table.
CarbonFootprint | biogenicCarbonContent
SHOULD be set to "0" (zero encoded as a string)
Version 4 of the GLEC Framework will provide guidance on biogenic emissions. Updates to this property will be made after its release. |
CarbonFootprint | packagingEmissionsIncluded
See [PACTDX] for further details.
MUST be set to |
CarbonFootprint | primaryDataShare
The relative share of logistics emissions for whose calculation primary data has been used.
See [PACTDX] and the PACT Framework ([PACT-FRAMEWORK]) for further details. |
DataModelExtension | specVersion
| MUST be set "2.0.0" , the current version of [DATA-MODEL-EXTENSIONS].
DataModelExtension | dataSchema
MUST be set to "https://api.ileap.sine.dev/toc.json" , the URL of the JSON schema for TOC .
The URL of the JSON schema will be updated in future revisions. |
DataModelExtension | documentation
| SHOULD be set. If set, its value MUST be "https://sine-fdn.github.io/ileap-extension/" .
DataModelExtension | data
| MUST contain the TOC as a JSON object.
propertiesThe ProductFootprint
mandatory properties id, specVersion, version, status, companyName, companyIds, productDescription,
and productNameCompany cannot be derived from the TOC
and MUST be provided by the data owner. Please follow the links
above for further details.
The CarbonFootprint
mandatory properties characterizationFactors, ipccCharacterizationFactorsSources, crossSectoralStandardsUsed, crossSectoralStandars, boundaryProcessesDescription, referencePeriodStart, referencePeriodEnd, exemptedEmissionsPercent,
and exemptedEmissionsDescription cannot be derived from the TOC
and MUST be provided by the data owner. Please follow
the links above for further details.
Any optional property that is not explicitly mentioned above MAY remain unset. All mandatory
properties that cannot be derived from TOC
CAN be populated in a best-effort manner.
7.2.3. HOC
Note: This chapter refers to the PACT Data Model. See [PACTDX] Chapter 4 for further details.
An HOC CAN be integrated into the PACT Data Model ([PACTDX]) by storing an HOC
as an
extension (see [DATA-MODEL-EXTENSIONS]) in a ProductFootprint
For interoperability reasons, several attributes of a ProductFootprint
MUST be derived from the HOC
. This is specified in the table below.
Note: Section HOC example contains an example.
PACT Data Type | Property | Value Derivation |
ProductFootprint | productIds
MUST contain the HOC ID hocId , encoded as
Note: |
ProductFootprint | productCategoryCpc
| MUST be equal to 83117 , the CPC code of logistics services.
CarbonFootprint | declaredUnit
MUST be set to kilogram conforming to the PACT Tech Specs.
See [PACTDX] Chapter 4 for further details. |
CarbonFootprint | unitaryProductAmount
| MUST be set to "1000" so that the ProductFootprint represents the emissions of the HOC per tonne leaving the hub.
CarbonFootprint | productMassPerDeclaredUnit
This property is OPTIONAL in the [PACTDX] data Model but will become MANDATORY in v3.
MUST be set to |
CarbonFootprint | pCfExcludingBiogenic
MUST be set to the logistics emissions intensity of the HOC defined in co2eIntensityWTW .
Note: The average weight of a container can be considered as 10 tonnes per Version 4 of the GLEC Framework will provide guidance on biogenic emissions. Updates to this property will be made after its release. |
CarbonFootprint | pCfIncludingBiogenic
This property is OPTIONAL in the [PACTDX] data Model.
It SHOULD be kept undefined. Version 4 of the GLEC Framework will provide guidance on biogenic emissions. Updates to this property will be made after its release. |
CarbonFootprint | fossilGhgEmissions
| See the specification for pCfExcludingBiogenic in this table.
CarbonFootprint | fossilCarbonContent
| See the specification for pCfExcludingBiogenic in this table.
CarbonFootprint | biogenicCarbonContent
SHOULD be set to "0" (zero encoded as a string)
Version 4 of the GLEC Framework will provide guidance on biogenic emissions. Updates to this property will be made after its release. |
CarbonFootprint | packagingEmissionsIncluded
See [PACTDX] for further details.
MUST be set to |
CarbonFootprint | primaryDataShare
The relative share of logistics emissions for whose calculation primary data has been used.
See [PACTDX] and the PACT Framework ([PACT-FRAMEWORK]) for further details. |
DataModelExtension | specVersion
| MUST be set "2.0.0" , the current version of [DATA-MODEL-EXTENSIONS].
DataModelExtension | dataSchema
MUST be set to "https://api.ileap.sine.dev/hoc.json" , the URL of the JSON schema for HOC .
The URL of the JSON schema will be updated in future revisions. |
DataModelExtension | documentation
| SHOULD be set. If set, its value MUST be "https://sine-fdn.github.io/ileap-extension/" .
DataModelExtension | data
| MUST contain the HOC as a JSON object.
propertiesThe ProductFootprint
mandatory properties id, specVersion, version, status, companyName, companyIds, productDescription,
and productNameCompany cannot be derived from the HOC
and MUST be provided by the data owner. Please follow
the links above for further details.
The CarbonFootprint
mandatory properties characterizationFactors, ipccCharacterizationFactorsSources, crossSectoralStandardsUsed, crossSectoralStandars, boundaryProcessesDescription, referencePeriodStart, referencePeriodEnd, exemptedEmissionsPercent,
and exemptedEmissionsDescription cannot be derived from the HOC
and MUST be provided by the data owner. Please follow
the links above for further details.
Any optional property that is not explicitly mentioned above MAY remain unset. All mandatory
properties that cannot be derived from HOC
CAN be populated in a best-effort manner.
8. Conformance
The iLEAP Technical Specifications are designed to be incrementally adopted and realized in host systems for different stakeholder groups. Therefore, there are 2 kinds of iLEAP conformance defined:
For each kind of iLEAP Conformance, a host system achieves conformity by
realizing the normative statements and relevant test cases referenced in § 8.1 Conformance Matrix below,
successfully passing Bilateral Testing (§ 8.2 Bilateral Testing)
succesfully passing the Automated Conformance Testing
To achieve iLEAP Emissions Data Conformance, host systems are further REQUIRED to support the following features:
from another host system and -
using it to generate
, orShipmentFootprint
It is RECOMMENDED for host systems to conform to both kinds of iLEAP conformance.
Sections marked as non-normative, all authoring guidelines, diagrams, examples, and notes in this specification are non-normative. Everything else in this specification is normative.
The key words MAY, MUST, MUST NOT, OPTIONAL, RECOMMENDED, REQUIRED, SHOULD, and SHOULD NOT in this document are to be interpreted as described in [RFC2119] [RFC8174] when, and only when, they appear in all capitals, as shown here.
Currently, iLEAP Conformance ensures interoperability and syntactic correctness. Future updates will extend coverage to include semantic correctness, ensuring that emissions calculations are performed accurately in end-to-end scenarios.
8.1. Conformance Matrix
8.2. Bilateral Testing
A Bilateral Test is an interoperability test where two different host system implementations participate to verify conformance (§ 8 Conformance) and their ability to work together.
One system acts as the data owner. It is called the target host system and is the system under test. The second system acts as the testing party.
Note: The objective of Bilateral Testing is to ensure that systems can effectively communicate despite having independent codebases.
8.3. Submission
Note: non-normative
Once a host system achieved iLEAP conformance in 1 or all kinds of iLEAP conformance, the implementer is requested to reach out to the authors of this Technical Specifications to apply for additional support, materials, and marketing opportunities.
Appendix A: Changelog
Version 1.0.0-beta (2025-03-19)
remove underspecified property
pre-release of version 1.0.0 (full release expected in 2025-04)
Version 0.2.1-20250314 (2025-03-14)
fix Test Case 007: Attempt TransportActivityData with Invalid Token and Test Case 008: Attempt TransportActivityData with Expired Token error responses
Version 0.2.1-20250311 (2025-03-11)
remove deprecated properties
small typo fixes and text improvements
add § 8 Conformance chapter
improve Appendix B: Example PCFs with iLEAP Data embedded’s guidance and readability
populate Test Case 005: Get Filtered List of TransportActivityData, Test Case 006: Get Limited List of TransportActivityData, Test Case 007: Attempt TransportActivityData with Invalid Token, and Test Case 008: Attempt TransportActivityData with Expired Token
Version 0.2.1-20250129 (2025-01-29)
changes to
data type which are "backwards compatible" with the previous version:-
addition of optional property
as a replacement for -
the now deprecated properties
Version 0.2.1-20241211 (2024-12-11)
add guidance on how to populate PACT’s
data type in § 7.2.1 ShipmentFootprint, § 7.2.2 TOC, and § 7.2.3 HOC -
remove outdated advisement from Appendix B: Example PCFs with iLEAP Data embedded
fix typos in
of § 5.2 Example HTTP Calls and HOC example
Version 0.2.1-20241113 (2024-11-13)
add appendix iLEAP Specific Conformance Tests
Version 0.2.1-20241105 (2024-11-05)
small typo fix in § 7.2.2 TOC:
refer topCfExcludingBiogenic
Version 0.2.1-20240930 (2024-09-30)
provide better guidance on § 7.2 PACT Integration
Version 0.2.1-20240903 (2024-09-03)
Version 0.2.1-20240813 (2024-08-13)
add mentions to
s in § 4.2 Data Transaction 2: TOC or HOC Data Exchange -
add note to § 7.2 PACT Integration stating that one footprint cannot contain more than one iLEAP data type
update note on
averages in § 7.2.3 HOC
Version 0.2.1-20240807 (2024-08-07)
improved uniqueness definition in consignment id and shipment id
use Decimal data type consistently
add issues to
instead of common issue
Version 0.2.1-20240716 (2024-07-16)
addition of section § 7.2.3 HOC and corresponding example HOC example
small typo fixes (broken link in § 7.2.2 TOC and wrong highlights in Appendix B: Example PCFs with iLEAP Data embedded)
Version 0.2.1-20240708 (2024-07-08)
New "feature": OPTIONAL happened-before relationship between
relative to a single shipment andShipmentFootprint
, enabled through the new propertyprevTceIds
. -
Addition of the guidance chapter § 6.2.1 Ordering of TCEs to define the
Version 0.2.1-20240611 (2024-06-11)
addition of section § 1.2 Document Statuses
rewording of the introduction paragraphs of § 1 Introduction
turn definition of
into "open" enumeration -
turn definition of
into "open" enumeration
Version 0.2.0 Release (2024-06-05)
Stable Release including the following changes:
reorganized and reworded chapter § 3 Business Cases
updated introduction to the § 6.5 Transport Activity Data (TAD) chapter
replaced property
by an array of stringsconsignmentIds
achieving coherence with introductory text -
rewording of chapter § 3 Business Cases and splitting of the business cases into individual subchapters
scope of business case 3 § 3.3 Simplified Emissions Calculation from Transport Activity Data changed towards more clarity on use of TAD data
reworded introduction at chapter § 6.5 Transport Activity Data (TAD)
updated the introduction to the § 6 Data Model chapter
Consolidate American spelling
Consolidate terminology in § 4 Data Transactions diagram
Renamed 2 properties in
renamed toemissionFactorWTW
renamed toemissionFactorTTW
Version 0.2.0 Draft (2024-05-21)
Release Consultation Draft
fixed typos and incorrect
in examples -
renamed toShipmentFootprint
throughout this document
Version 0.2.0-20240514 (2024-05-14)
minor cleanups in section § 6.1 ShipmentFootprint
removal of stale
Version 0.2.0-20240513 (2024-05-13)
Summary of changes:
updated the mapping of a shipment id of a
into the PACT Data Model -
updated the mapping of a shipment id of a
into the PACT Data Model
Version 0.1.0 (2024-05-13)
Summary: Initial release of the specification.
Appendix B: Example PCFs with iLEAP Data embedded
ShipmentFootprint example
A Product Footprint with a ShipmentFootprint
{ "id" : "d9be4477-e351-45b3-acd9-e1da05e6f633" , "specVersion" : "2.0.0" , "version" : 0 , "created" : "2022-05-22T21:47:32Z" , "status" : "Active" , "companyName" : "Super Duper Transport Co." , "companyIds" : [ "urn:epc:id:sgln:4063973.00000.8" ], "productDescription" : "Logistics emissions related to shipment with ID 1237890" , "productIds" : [ "urn:pathfinder:product:customcode:vendor-assigned:shipment:1237890" ], "productCategoryCpc" : "83117" , "productNameCompany" : "Shipment with ID 1237890" , "comment" : "" , "pcf" : { "declaredUnit" : "ton kilometer" , "unitaryProductAmount" : "36.801" , "pCfExcludingBiogenic" : "3.6801" , "fossilGhgEmissions" : "3.6801" , "fossilCarbonContent" : "0" , "biogenicCarbonContent" : "0" , "characterizationFactors" : "AR6" , "ipccCharacterizationFactorsSources" : [ "AR6" ], "crossSectoralStandardsUsed" : [ "GHG Protocol Product standard" ], "productOrSectorSpecificRules" : [], "boundaryProcessesDescription" : "SFC GLEC Framework-conforming (W2W CO2e emissions)" , "referencePeriodStart" : "2021-01-01T00:00:00Z" , "referencePeriodEnd" : "2022-01-01T00:00:00Z" , "secondaryEmissionFactorSources" : [ { "name" : "Ecoinvent" , "version" : "3.9.1" } ], "exemptedEmissionsPercent" : 0 , "exemptedEmissionsDescription" : "" , "packagingEmissionsIncluded" : true , "primaryDataShare" : 56.12 }, "extensions" : [ { "specVersion" : "2.0.0" , "dataSchema" : "https://api.ileap.sine.dev/shipment-footprint.json" , "documentation" : "https://sine-fdn.github.io/ileap-extension/" , "data" : { "mass" : "87" , "shipmentId" : "1237890" , "tces" : [ { "tceId" : "abcdef" , "prevTceIds" : [], "tocId" : "truck-40t-euro5-de" , "shipmentId" : "1237890" , "mass" : "87" , "distance" : { "actual" : "423" }, "transportActivity" : "3.6801" , "co2eWTW" : "3.6801" , "co2eTTW" : "3.2801" } ] } } ] }
TOC example
A Product Footprint with a TOC
{ "id" : "f3c04ec8-b33a-43b1-9fa7-d6a448fd60af" , "specVersion" : "2.0.0" , "version" : 0 , "created" : "2022-05-22T21:47:32Z" , "status" : "Active" , "companyName" : "Super Duper Transport Co." , "companyIds" : [ "urn:epc:id:sgln:4063973.00000.8" ], "productDescription" : "Logistics emissions related to TOC with ID 4561230" , "productIds" : [ "urn:pathfinder:product:customcode:vendor-assigned:toc:4561230" ], "productCategoryCpc" : "83117" , "productNameCompany" : "TOC with ID 4561230" , "comment" : "" , "pcf" : { "declaredUnit" : "ton kilometer" , "unitaryProductAmount" : "1" , "pCfExcludingBiogenic" : "3.6801" , "fossilGhgEmissions" : "3.6801" , "fossilCarbonContent" : "0" , "biogenicCarbonContent" : "0" , "characterizationFactors" : "AR6" , "ipccCharacterizationFactorsSources" : [ "AR6" ], "crossSectoralStandardsUsed" : [ "GHG Protocol Product standard" ], "productOrSectorSpecificRules" : [], "boundaryProcessesDescription" : "SFC GLEC Framework-conforming (W2W CO2e emissions)" , "referencePeriodStart" : "2021-01-01T00:00:00Z" , "referencePeriodEnd" : "2022-01-01T00:00:00Z" , "secondaryEmissionFactorSources" : [ { "name" : "Ecoinvent" , "version" : "3.9.1" } ], "exemptedEmissionsPercent" : 0 , "exemptedEmissionsDescription" : "" , "packagingEmissionsIncluded" : false , "primaryDataShare" : 56.12 }, "extensions" : [ { "specVersion" : "2.0.0" , "dataSchema" : "https://api.ileap.sine.dev/toc.json" , "documentation" : "https://sine-fdn.github.io/ileap-extension/" , "data" : { "tocId" : "4561230" , "isVerified" : true , "isAccredited" : true , "mode" : "Road" , "temperatureControl" : "refrigerated" , "truckLoadingSequence" : "FTL" , "energyCarriers" : [ { "energyCarrier" : "Diesel" , "co2eIntensityWTW" : "3.6801" , "co2eIntensityTTW" : "3.2801" } ], "co2eIntensityWTW" : "3.6801" , "co2eIntensityTTW" : "3.2801" , "co2eIntensityThroughput" : "tkm" } } ] }
HOC example
A Product Footprint with a HOC
{ "id" : "f3c04ec8-b33a-43b1-9fa7-d6a448fd60af" , "specVersion" : "2.0.0" , "version" : 0 , "created" : "2022-05-22T21:47:32Z" , "status" : "Active" , "companyName" : "Super Duper Transport Co." , "companyIds" : [ "urn:epc:id:sgln:4063973.00000.8" ], "productDescription" : "Logistics emissions related to HOC with ID 7890123" , "productIds" : [ "urn:pathfinder:product:customcode:vendor-assigned:hoc:7890123" ], "productCategoryCpc" : "83117" , "productNameCompany" : "HOC with ID 7890123" , "comment" : "" , "pcf" : { "declaredUnit" : "kilogram" , "unitaryProductAmount" : "1000" , "pCfExcludingBiogenic" : "3.6801" , "fossilGhgEmissions" : "3.6801" , "fossilCarbonContent" : "0" , "biogenicCarbonContent" : "0" , "characterizationFactors" : "AR6" , "ipccCharacterizationFactorsSources" : [ "AR6" ], "crossSectoralStandardsUsed" : [ "GHG Protocol Product standard" ], "productOrSectorSpecificRules" : [], "boundaryProcessesDescription" : "SFC GLEC Framework-conforming (W2W CO2e emissions)" , "referencePeriodStart" : "2021-01-01T00:00:00Z" , "referencePeriodEnd" : "2022-01-01T00:00:00Z" , "secondaryEmissionFactorSources" : [ { "name" : "Ecoinvent" , "version" : "3.9.1" } ], "exemptedEmissionsPercent" : 0 , "exemptedEmissionsDescription" : "" , "packagingEmissionsIncluded" : false , "primaryDataShare" : 56.12 }, "extensions" : [ { "specVersion" : "2.0.0" , "dataSchema" : "https://api.ileap.sine.dev/hoc.json" , "documentation" : "https://sine-fdn.github.io/ileap-extension/" , "data" : { "hocId" : "7890123" , "isVerified" : true , "isAccredited" : true , "hubType" : "Warehouse" , "temperatureControl" : "refrigerated" , "energyCarriers" : [ { "energyCarrier" : "Diesel" , "co2eIntensityWTW" : "3.6801" , "co2eIntensityTTW" : "3.2801" } ], "co2eIntensityWTW" : "3.6801" , "co2eIntensityTTW" : "3.2801" , "co2eIntensityThroughput" : "tonnes" } } ] }
Appendix C: iLEAP Conformance Testing
This appendix is a work in progress. All feedback is welcome.
In order to test the conformance of an iLEAP implementation, the following tests must be performed:
PACT Conformance Tests
Since the iLEAP Technical Specifications were conceived as an extension to the PACT Data Model and Data Exchange Protocol, any iLEAP conformant implementation must also implement [PACTDX] v2.1.0 or above. For that reason, the required tests in the PACT Conformance Testing Checklist should also be performed.
iLEAP Specific Conformance Tests
The following tests are specific to the iLEAP Technical Specifications:
Test Case 001: Get ProductFootprint with ShipmentFootprint
Tests the target host system’s ability to return ProductFootprints
with ShipmentFootprint
s as
A ListFootprints
GET request must be sent to the /2/footprints
endpoint of the test target host
system with a valid access token and the syntax specified in PACT Tech Specs V2.2
Expected Response
The test target host system must respond with 200 OK with a JSON body containing a list of ProductFootprints
(as per the PACT Tech Specs V2.2
Those which include productIds
with the format specified for ShipmentFootprints must be conformant with the Data Model specified in § 6.1 ShipmentFootprint. The relevant properties of the ProductFootprint
must also be confomant with the guidance provided in § 7.2.1 ShipmentFootprint.
Test Case 002: Get ProductFootprint with TOC
Tests the target host system’s ability to return ProductFootprints
with TOC
s as
A ListFootprints
GET request must be sent to the /2/footprints
endpoint of the test target host system with a valid access token and the syntax specified in PACT Tech Specs V2.2
Expected Response
The test target host system must respond with 200 OK with a JSON body containing a list of ProductFootprints
(as per the PACT Tech Specs V2.2
This list must include all the TOCs
referenced in the ShipmentFootprint
s returned in Test Case 001: Get ProductFootprint with ShipmentFootprint (identified through the productIds
field) and may include others.
All the ProductFootprints
which include productIds
with the format specified for
TOCs must be conformant with the Data Model specified in § 6.3 Transport Operation Category (TOC). The
relevant properties of the ProductFootprint
must also be confomant with the guidance provided in § 7.2.2 TOC.
Test Case 003: Get ProductFootprint with HOC
Tests the target host system’s ability to return ProductFootprints
with HOC
s as extensions.
A ListFootprints
GET request must be sent to the /2/footprints
endpoint of the test target host system with a valid access token and the syntax specified in PACT Tech Specs V2.2
Expected Response
The test target host system must respond with 200 OK with a JSON body containing a list of ProductFootprints
(as per the PACT Tech Specs V2.2
This list must include all the HOCs
referenced in the ShipmentFootprint
s returned in Test Case 001: Get ProductFootprint with ShipmentFootprint (identified through the productIds
field) and may include others.
All the ProductFootprints
which include productIds
with the format specified for
HOCs must be conformante with the Data Model specified in § 6.4 Hub Operation Category (HOC). The
relevant properties of the ProductFootprint
must also be confomant with the guidance provided in § 7.2.3 HOC.
Test Case 004: Get All TransportActivityData
Tests the target host system’s ability to return all TransportActivityData
A TransportActivityData
GET request must be sent to the /2/ileap/tad
endpoint of the test target host system with a valid access token and the syntax specified in § 7.1.3 Request Syntax.
The access token must be obtained through the PACT’s Authentication Flow. This can be tested through PACT’s Test Cases 001 and 002.
Expected Response
The test target host system must respond with 200 OK and a JSON body containing a list of TransportActivityData
, in conformance with § 7.1.4 Response Syntax and following the data model
specified at § 6.5 Transport Activity Data (TAD).
Test Case 005: Get Filtered List of TransportActivityData
Tests the target host system’s ability to return a filtered list of TransportActivityData
A TransportActivityData
GET request must be sent to the /2/ileap/tad
endpoint of the test target host system with a valid access token and the syntax specified in § 7.1.3 Request Syntax.
The request must include a query parameter Filter. Any property can be used as a filter, but we
recomend using TransportMode
, iterating over all possible values:
GET /2/ileap/tad?mode=Road HTTP/1.1
GET /2/ileap/tad?mode=Rail HTTP/1.1
GET /2/ileap/tad?mode=Air HTTP/1.1
GET /2/ileap/tad?mode=Sea HTTP/1.1
GET /2/ileap/tad?mode=InlandWaterway HTTP/1.1
The access token must be obtained through the PACT’s Authentication Flow. This can be tested through PACT’s Test Cases 001 and 002.
Expected Response
For at least one filter, the test target host system must respond with 200 OK and a JSON body
containing a list of TransportActivityData
matching the filter, in conformance with § 7.1.4 Response Syntax and following the data model specified at § 6.5 Transport Activity Data (TAD).
Test Case 006: Get Limited List of TransportActivityData
Tests the target host system’s ability to return a limited list of TransportActivityData
A TransportActivityData
GET request must be sent to the /2/ileap/tad
endpoint of the test target host system with a valid access token and the syntax specified in § 7.1.3 Request Syntax. The request must include a query parameter Limit with value 1
The access token must be obtained through the PACT’s Authentication Flow. This can be tested through PACT’s Test Cases 001 and 002.
Expected Response
The test target host system must respond with 200 OK and a JSON body containing one or less TransportActivityData
, in conformance with § 7.1.4 Response Syntax and following the data model
specified at § 6.5 Transport Activity Data (TAD).
If a pagination link is returned, it must conform to the syntax specified in § 7.1.4 Response Syntax. Upon calling that link, the target host system must respond wih 200 OK
and a JSON body containing one or more TransportActivityData
If no pagination link is returned, a GET request sent to /2/ileap/tad
(without query parameter Limit) must respond with 200 OK and a JSON body containing exactly the same number of TransportActivityData
as that returned in the first request (including the query parameter Limit with value 1
Test Case 007: Attempt TransportActivityData with Invalid Token
Tests the target host system’s ability to handle a TransportActivityData
request with an invalid
access token.
A TransportActivityData
GET request must be sent to the /2/ileap/tad
endpoint of the test target host system with an invalid access token and the syntax specified in § 7.1.3 Request Syntax.
Expected Response
The test target host system must respond with a 403 Forbidden status code and an AccessDenied
error response code, as specified in TadResponseBody.
Test Case 008: Attempt TransportActivityData with Expired Token
Tests the target host system’s ability to handle a TransportActivityData
request with an expired
access token.
A TransportActivityData
GET request must be sent to the /2/ileap/tad
endpoint of the test target host system with an expired access token and the syntax specified in § 7.1.3 Request Syntax.
The access token must have been obtained through the PACT’s Authentication Flow. This can be tested through PACT’s Test Cases 001 and 002.
Expected Response
The test target host system must respond with a 401 Unauthorized status code and an ExpiredToken
error response code, as specified in TadResponseBody.